Transformer Furniture
Transformer or modular furniture systems are designed to be easily moved and as functional as possible in terms of giving you long lasting comfort. We offer unique, high-quality, sustainable transforming and space-saving furniture to adapt its functionality and dimensions to our customer’s needs.
Solar Photovoltaic Systems
In the field of solar energy and energy efficiency we have established strong corporate partnership with THE OHM ENERGY Company to offer new technical and construction solutions to our customers. The high qualification and experience of our specialists guarantee quality, reliability and efficiency of solar stations.

Automatic Doors and Windows
Automatic swinging and sliding doors are considered to be the best solution as an element of the entrance control and management systems. Due to innovative technologies, you can open the doors automatically by using fingerprint, code, card, remote control, etc. Offering the automatic-operating components, swinging and sliding doors provide you a safe and convenient entrance to the public places, such as supermarkets, hospitals, restaurants, cafes, etc. From this point of view the use of automatic doors is a high priority for the enterprises and institutions with regulated visits.
Smart Glass
Smart glass is a combination of glass straws and various chemical materials and is widely used in architecture and production for creating transparent constructions (windows, doors, etc.) which can change their optical properties (opacity, visible light transmittance, heat absorption coefficient, etc.) when external conditions and environments are changed, such as illumination, temperature or when applying electrical voltage.